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Increasing Libido

Increasing Libido

  1. What is Libido?
  2. What Influences Libido?
  3. Can Libido Affect Erection?
  4. How to Increase Libido?
  5. Using Sex to Boost Libido
  6. Products to Support Erection
  7. Conclusion

What is Libido?

Libido, originating from Latin, refers to desire. As Wikipedia states: "In psychology, libido is the psychic energy or drive, usually associated with sexual desire, but sometimes also with other forms of desire."

Libido is therefore a complex term reflecting individual sexual motivation and interest in sexual expression. It relates not only to the physical but also the emotional and psychological aspects of sexual life. Libido is influenced by various biological, psychological, and social factors.

What Influences Libido?

The level of libido is highly individual, varying for each person. It can be influenced by biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors. These include hormonal levels, physical health, stress levels, energy demands, mental well-being, relationship circumstances, lifestyle, emotional state, and individual sexual preferences. From a biological perspective, libido is primarily influenced by hormones. Hormonal levels (testosterone in men and progesterone and oestrogen in women) generally decrease with age.

Testosterone is considered a key hormone influencing sexual desire in both sexes. However, the amount of testosterone produced by the female body is ten to three times lower than in males.

The following factors primarily influence hormone levels (with specific examples given in parentheses):

  • Lifestyle diseases (diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels)
  • Side effects of certain medications (antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives, antihistamines, antiepileptics)
  • Lifestyle (lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, alcohol, smoking)
  • Psychological and relationship causes (anxiety, depression, relationship problems, fear of pregnancy, moral inhibitions)

Can Libido Affect Erection?

The level of testosterone in men gradually declines from around the age of 40, and it goes hand in hand with libido. Likewise, a significant drop in testosterone, as well as a decrease in libido, can be one of the causes of erectile dysfunction and numerous other health complications or physical changes.

A decrease in libido can lead to insufficient sexual arousal, which is a key factor in achieving and maintaining a sufficiently firm erection. Increasing testosterone probably won't solve erection problems on its own, but it may positively affect libido.

If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction, you may be interested in the article "Treatment and Correction of Erectile Dysfunction." If you only suspect and are not sure if erectile dysfunction is your problem, a home erectile dysfunction test or the IIEF questionnaire may help you. You can also find a lot of useful information in the article "Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction."

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How to Increase Libido?

While we can't stop time, we can effectively slow down the decline in sexual desire.

And not only that: We can even increase sexual appetite in advanced age to the point where sex is far better than ever before.

Before deciding to see a doctor to rule out any more serious illnesses, we can try to help ourselves by adjusting our lifestyle. Step by step, eliminating bad habits and implementing the following recommendations can make a difference.

Diet Adjustment

Fatty and generally hard-to-digest foods won't add energy to us. Pizza and fries haven't made anyone a champion in bed yet. However, the following foods will help you on your way to a greater sexual appetite:

  • Fish - containing omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and the amino acid L-Arginine (supports potency and libido)
  • Shrimp, oysters - containing zinc
  • Pineapple, bananas - containing the enzyme bromelain
  • Avocado - containing vitamin E (improves sperm quality) and zinc (increases testosterone levels)
  • Spinach and leafy greens - containing folic acid
  • Coffee - one cup a day will help with circulation and relaxation due to its caffeine content (Yerba Maté or matcha will also help)
  • High-percentage chocolate - increases serotonin and dopamine levels

Tip for you: Did you know there are superfoods that support libido, memory, and immunity? Do you know, for example, Peruvian maca? More information on this topic can be found in the article "Natural Remedies to Support Potency."

Adequate Sleep

It is said that sleep before midnight brings more rest than sleep after midnight. If you don't feel rested after a night, it's time to make a change. For example, go to bed an hour earlier than usual. The more intensively we work, the more intensively and qualitatively we should be able to rest.

Incorporating Regular Exercise

If we sit all day at work and even commute to work by car, we don't get much exercise. The journey from the fridge to the couch doesn't count. Brisk walking in the fresh air or, for example, interval training will oxygenate and mobilize the body, promote blood flow, and release a number of hormones that make us feel better. Especially endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.

It is rumoured that some types of exercise also increase testosterone levels, thus affecting libido and sexual function. It is important to choose the type of exercise that suits our physical capabilities and move regularly, alternating days of activity with days of rest.

Testosterone levels in men respond particularly well to strength training. "If you want to get more testosterone, focus on strength and resistance training. Cardio is still important for weight regulation and heart health, but exercises like bench presses, deadlifts, and squats will have a greater impact on testosterone levels," advises urologist Nelson E. Bennett, MD in the article "Quick Dose: Can Physical Activity Affect Testosterone?"

Addressing Psychological and Relationship Causes

Stress, anxiety, and tendencies towards depression are common causes of decreased interest in sex. By postponing the resolution of these causes, the problem only deepens further. Consultation with a specialist (psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist) can definitely be recommended if changes in lifestyle do not lead to the expected improvement in mental well-being.

Relationship causes of decreased libido encompass a broad range of social interactions. Problems in a romantic relationship are the most common cause. Lack of intimacy, lack of time for each other, routine, financial concerns, health complications—all of these negatively affect libido. The basis for resolving these issues lies in communication, mutual trust, honesty, openness, and joint efforts towards improvement. Consider also investing in couples' erotic aids.

Tips for revitalizing bedroom romance: Pre-arranged time reserved just for yourselves (without disruptive elements—phones turned off, children away from home), intimate atmosphere, soft pleasant music, scented candles, massage oils, erotic aids.

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Improving Self-Relationship

Media creates pressure for physical perfection and performance. Perceiving oneself as unattractive reduces self-esteem and self-confidence. Ultimately, this can lead either to suppression of libido or to fears of initiating relationships and subsequent sexual frustration. It is important to realize that social media photos are often carefully edited and vastly differ from the everyday appearance of the portrayed individual. Nobody is perfect.

Using Sex to Boost Libido

Yes, you read it right. Sufficient sexual activity is part of a healthy libido and not only helps increase libido but also improves overall sexual health. Sexual stimulation and activity can positively affect libido, sexual desire, and overall sexual experience, even if libido is decreased.

Sometimes decreased libido can affect the ability to achieve sexual arousal, and thus erection in men. In such cases, it is important to communicate with your partner and together find ways to achieve satisfaction and maintain a healthy sex life.

Crucial in this regard is sexual stimulation. It can be diverse and include intimate communication with a sexual partner, touch, romantic moments, erotic fantasies (find inspiration in the article "Roleplay"), visual stimuli, various erotic aids, or any other elements that can evoke sexual arousal. It is important to find what sexually excites you and brings joy. How about trying sensual penis massage with your partner? For women, it may be a bit more complex, but if you are knowledgeable about female erogenous zones, you're halfway there.

It is always key to listen to your body, respect your feelings, and communicate with your partner. Professional help from a sexologist or doctor may be useful if you have difficulties with your sex life, including decreased libido and erection problems. However, if you have enough sexual stimuli and desire but your body lets you down, you may be dealing with erectile dysfunction.

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Products to Support Erection

If you've tried everything and your doctor has recommended erectile dysfunction medications, don't worry. There are millions of men in the world with the same problem as you.

In our online shop with generic products for erection, you will find plenty of alternatives to classic drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra.

From the category of Viagra Generics (generic drugs with the active ingredient sildenafil), we recommend classic erection pills Cenforce 100, Cenforce 150, Cenforce 200, Kamagra 100mg, or the very popular alternative to sildenafil in the form of Kamagra oral jelly (often searched as Kamara Oral Jelly or Kamagra Oral Gelly). Products containing sildenafil citrate also include Lovegra, a product known as the female Viagra.

Are you interested in alternative forms of sildenafil products? Find out more about the gel form product in the article Kamagra Jelly.

From the category of Cialis Generics (generic drugs with the active ingredient tadalafil), we recommend the product Vidalista 20 (or also Vidalista 40 and Vidalista 60) and Tadarise.

If you are looking for a product from the category of Levitra Generics, i.e., a product containing vardenafil, then we recommend only Valif 20.

Learn more about what generic drugs are, what forms they come in, and the advantages of different active ingredients in the article Erectile Dysfunction Medications.

Summary in Conclusion

Libido, or sexual desire, is influenced by various biological, psychological, and social factors. Libido is largely influenced by hormonal levels, lifestyle, or even health condition. The key hormone is testosterone, whose level affects both male and female sexual desire. Decreased libido can affect the ability to achieve and maintain a sufficiently firm erection for sexual intercourse.

Increasing libido in women as well as in men can be achieved by adjusting lifestyle, dietary habits, ensuring adequate sleep, exercising, or reducing stress. Sexual activity is also important, as it stimulates libido and contributes to overall sexual health. Erectile dysfunction medications may address erectile dysfunction, but they do not affect libido.

Aging doesn't necessarily mean decline; it can also mean maturity. It largely depends on how we approach life. With a healthy lifestyle, activity, and a mind open to new experiences, we can slow down aging and decrease the loss of joy for life, including sexual life. We shouldn't just survive life; we should live it. So, let's dive into it with gusto!

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Author: Jason Smith



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