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General Terms and Conditions

  1. If you place an order on https://geneo.to, you give your consent to our General Terms and Conditions and our Personal Data Protection Statement.
  2. You hereby confirm that you have fully read and acknowledged our General Terms and Conditions. You inter alia confirm that in doing so you were not suffering from any mental illness or mental disability, which could have affected your judgement, and that you were not affected by excessive alcohol consumption, medication use, etc., which could negatively affect your ability to make decisions.
  3. These General Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time even without a prior notice. You hereby declare that you will keep yourself informed of such changes and that you will always use the current version of the General Terms and Conditions published on our website: https://geneo.to.
  4. The information or recommendations published on our website are of a general nature and in no way constitute an incentive to use a particular drug. Pharma Distribution Limited does not assume responsibility for any legal, medical or financial consequences resulting from the services used through our website.
  5. For greater comprehensibility (readability) feminine and masculine forms are not used simultaneously from here on, but only the masculine form. Any personal designations apply equally to both sexes.

Introductory Provisions

  1. These General Terms and Conditions define the relationship between our Company, Pharma Distribution Limited, 43 Croxley Rd, London W9 3HJ, United Kingdom, the seller and the e-shop operator at https://geneo.to, and our customer (yourself) entering into a purchase agreement with our Company.
  2. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all our customers.
  3. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all products and services provided (especially to the purchase of goods in our e-shop), which result from a visit to the website.

Use of our Services

  1. By placing an order through our website, you confirm that:
  • you are competent to perform legal acts (i.e. to enter into legally binding contracts);
  • you are at least 18 years of age. If you are still a minor, we request a permission from your parents or a legal guardian;
  • use the products purchased on our website for your own use only;
  • you understand the language in which you visit our website.
  1. You hereby acknowledge that you are aware of your own responsibility to find out whether it is legal to use the products and services we offer on our website in your country of residence.
  2. The following points should be observed when using the webpages and the products and services offered here:
  • It is not allowed to register on the website more than once.
  • If you log in on behalf of a third party, this person must agree to it and his/her statement of consent must be submitted to us. Otherwise, such login is prohibited.
  1. Our Company does not accept liability for damage resulting from any non-compliance with the recommendations stated on the website.
  2. You agree that any advice provided on our website is not a substitute for a professional medical assistance.
  3. All information that may be found on our website is available in all languages listed on the website. If you do not sufficiently understand the information on the website, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
  4. Upon delivery of products, you are responsible for verifying that the products delivered are the products you ordered and that they are not damaged. In case of any questions or doubts, please contact us at [email protected].
     Do not use products, which you did not order or that were damaged during shipping.
  5. Please read the information on our website carefully before your purchase, and if you are not sure, talk to us, to your doctor or pharmacist. If you want to use the products later, make sure that the expiration date of the goods is not expired.
  6. Make sure that third parties do not have access to the products.

Conclusion of a Purchase Contract

  1. The purchase contract may be concluded through our e-shop.
  2. When concluding a purchase contract, the order represents an offer to conclude it. The order is binding for a period of 7 days. Receipt of an order will be confirmed by e-mail. Acceptance of the offer is performed by sending the goods, which concludes the purchase contract. You will be informed about shipment of the goods by e-mail.
  3. You hereby declare that this contract will be concluded with you personally.
  4. You hereby acknowledge that you will not pass on, sell or otherwise provide the purchased products to third parties. Assignment of your rights under this contract without our consent is inadmissible and invalid.
  5. The contract is concluded in English language and is subject to British legal regulations.
  6. This contract contains all agreements between you and Pharma Distribution Limited. These arrangements replace any previous agreements. We reserve the right to change this contract at any time without a prior notice. We undertake to publish any changes on the website. Such changes take effect immediately after they have been published on the website. You are solely responsible for taking note of the most current version of this contract before using the website. Any further use of the website after which you have received notice of a change shall be deemed to constitute implicit acceptance of the changed terms.

Change of the Product Offering / Information

  1. Pharma Distribution Limited reserves the right to modify product availability and remove products before a placement and registration of an order. We strive to ensure that all information, product images and descriptions are accurate and up-to-date. However, human failure cannot be ruled out. Therefore, unintentional errors may occur for which we cannot be held responsible.
  2. Before use, you should always check whether the delivered product corresponds to your order.

Cancellation / Complaint

  1. Pharma Distribution Limited only takes back products, which are defective, were incorrectly delivered or damaged, due to limited shelf life of the medicines and in order to rule out the risk of product tampering. If you receive a defective or damaged product or have received an incorrect product, you can contact us in this matter at [email protected].
  2. Goods may be considered defective if they do not have the described or usual properties, do not meet the legal requirements, do not serve their purpose or were not delivered in the ordered quantity. Increased sensitivity or an allergic reaction as a reason for complaint is rejected. Deficiencies of gifts and other free services added to an order do not constitute a defect. Images of goods published on our website are purely illustrative - it is not a binding representation of properties of the goods (e.g. the packaging may differ due to a change of manufacturer).
  3. Defect rectification may be performed by a replacement delivery, i.e. you can request a replacement of a defective, damaged or incorrectly delivered product. You shall not be reimbursed for the costs of returning a product. If rectification of a defect is not possible or acceptable for us, it is possible to request a purchase price reduction. If such is a significant defect, you can withdraw from the purchase agreement.
  4. A complaint processing usually takes no more than 30 days. Otherwise, you have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract. You shall provide us with your synergy in order to enable us to meet the above time limit.
  5. If you withdraw from the contract / cancel an order and return the product within 7 days of delivery to our company, the purchase price shall be refunded to you within 30 days. However, the refund shall be made only after return of the goods. Unless agreed otherwise, the same payment method you used to pay the purchase price will be used.
  6. If you wish to cancel an order, request a refund of the purchase price, or if you have any questions about the delivered products, you can contact the Pharma Distribution Limited using the contact form on the website.
  7. You can find the return instructions on our website under  “Complaints and Returns”.
  8. If additional goods were sent to a customer free of charge in connection with conclusion of a purchase contract, the customer is obliged to return this gift, too.
  9. Please note that if the value of the goods is reduced due to handling of the goods, which was not necessary to become informed of the nature, properties and function of the goods, you are liable for such under the law.
  10. You will be contacted by e-mail about the manner of resolution of the complaint.

Payment and Delivery Methods

  1. You can choose the method of payment and delivery from the offered options. Before sending an order, you will be informed about the chosen payment method/delivery method and the costs to be paid.

  2. Payment:

    1. All payments must be made by bank transfer or other means listed on the website.
    2. If the payment method you have chosen fails, Pharma Distribution Limited may charge you additional costs (e.g. an administrative fee of EUR 15) without prior notice.
    3. By providing payment and billing information, you declare that you are authorised to use it. You give us your consent to collect a due invoiced amount.
  3. Terms of delivery:

    1. Orders that we receive are usually released immediately for shipment. The stated delivery dates and due time limits depend on availability of usual time of performance and are therefore only indicative. In principle, we do not deliver to the USA.
    2. The shipment takes place in the name and at the risk of the customer. You hereby declare that you shall release Pharma Distribution Limited from any lawsuit that may be brought against you for non-compliance with the regulations and import provisions in force in the country of importation.
    3. You are solely responsible for paying the duties, taxes and charges applicable in your country.
    4. The courier service shall be hereby appointed as your representative and shall be granted a full power of attorney to carry out delivery of the products. As soon as the products are handed over to the courier service, the title and risk shall pass to you.


  1. All prices are stated in EUR, inclusive of VAT. If the VAT rate changes before conclusion of a purchase contract or before shipment of the goods, the customer is obliged to make good the incompletely paid purchase price in accordance with the chosen payment method, or the seller shall immediately requests the customer by e-mail to provide information on the method of reimbursement of the overpayment to the customer.
  2. All prices (with discount) are valid until the stocks run out.

Price Change

  1. Pharma Distribution Limited reserves the right to change the prices of the products offered at any time. Prices valid when ordering remain unchanged until completion of the order process. If a price is displayed, which is obviously incorrect, Pharma Distribution Limited reserves the right to cancel the order and inform the customer. (Such an error may be caused by either a software error or a human error.)
  2. The current prices of the products we offer are clearly stated on our website. There are no hidden charges.


  1. The content on our website is for general information only. The content is not equivalent to a medical advice and is not intended for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Pharma Distribution Limited is not responsible for effectiveness of the products offered, the content of the package leaflets, informative texts and other descriptions. We do not provide legal or medical advice, nor do we make a medical diagnosis. We do not accept any liability for reliability of the content published on our website. You are solely responsible for verifying this information.
  2. Pharma Distribution Limited does not assume responsibility for a proper use of the products. If we fail to fulfill any of the obligations set out in the General Terms and Conditions, we are only liable up to the amount of the purchase price of the service you used.
  3. To the extent permitted by law Pharma Distribution Limited expressly excludes the following:

Any liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages incurred by you in connection with our website and our services. This includes the following damages:

  1. lost revenue and business activity interruption;
  2. lost profits or contracts;
  3. data loss;
  4. reduction of company value;
  5. lost time; and
  6. other losses or damages, regardless of how they arose and whether they were caused by misconduct (including negligence), breach of contract or for any other reason.
  1. By using this website, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk and that you take full responsibility for use of this website. You are solely responsible for taking such measures to protect yourself from incurring damage, loss or risk. You agree not to hold us liable for any losses, costs or damages incurred in connection with:
    1. a breach of these General Terms and Conditions on your part;
    2. unauthorized or illegal use of this website on your part;
    3. unauthorized or illegal use of this website by third parties with the help of your access data.

Trademarks and Copyrights

  1. All content (text, images, logos, pictures, button icons, images, audio clips, video clips and software) is the intellectual property of Pharma Distribution Limited and is protected by copyright. You may not change, reproduce, copy, resell or use the content for any other commercial purpose, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Pharma Distribution Limited.
  2. The content must not be changed. These copyright links may not be removed. If the content is used illegally, it shall be considered copyright infringement and shall be prosecuted under national and international copyright law.


  1. In order to use the website repeatedly, you will need a password to access your data. You are yourself responsible for: 
  2. We are not liable for any damage arising from misappropriation of your access data, disclosure of your access data or the fact that you have enabled a third party access to the website. You are obliged to notify us of any unauthorized use of your access data.

Website Abuse

  1. It is strictly forbidden knowingly to introduce any viruses, trojans, computer worms and other malware to the website https://geneo.to. It is forbidden to access our website without permission or gain access to the hosting servers of our website or other servers, computers or databases connected to our website. Violation of these provisions is a criminal offence. Any violation shall be reported to the appropriate authorities active in criminal proceedings and you shall be barred from using our website with immediate effect.
  2. We accept no liability for loss or damage caused by viruses or other malware that infects your computer and its contents while using our website or downloading materials provided on our website.

Access Denial

  1. In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, your access to the website shall be denied without prior notice.
  2. We reserve the right to stop operating the website.


  1. We offer our customers various discounts and (gift) vouchers. The rules for their use shall be communicated to the customer on a case-by-case basis. Each discount / voucher may be applied only once, unless otherwise stated. Only one voucher of the same type may be used per purchase. Discounts cannot be combined unless stated otherwise. If the value of the gift voucher is higher than the value of the order, the difference shall be forfeited.
  2. Especially in the case of discounts or sales, we reserve the right to set the maximum quantity ordered.

General Information

  1. The headings of the individual sections serve clarity only, do not form part of these General Terms and Conditions and are not intended to limit or influence the individual provisions.
  2. Salvation clause: Should any provision of this contract become ineffective, in whole or in part, for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Instead of the ineffective provision, the Contracting Parties undertake to adopt an effective provision as close as possible to the original provision. 

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